Sunday, November 13, 2005

OH NO! Another Brainstorm

I haven't had a chance to give the old house a good cleaning since we moved out so did that today. while I was in there, I got to thinking..Its going to be a while before I can get it ready to rent and the "Shop deal" didn't work why don't I use it for that? I could have yard sales on Saturday and when I'm off on Wednesdays. I already have a business name filed at that address anyway. I did that when I started my first web site. I cleaned out the 2 front rooms, then I'm going to paint them and hopefully get the front porch fixed and paint it, too. I can put garden decor in the front yard and windchimes and birdhouses on the porch, then display other stuff in the 2 front rooms. I haven't been doing anything lately for my business except catlog orders. Can't work on my Bidchaser store with this computer. It would probably take an hour just to put 2 things on sale.
Besides brainstorming I worked in the yard and cleaned in here a little. I started cutting that tree with a bow saw. Don't laugh..I'm almost finished. My hand started hurting so I'll do some more tomorrow. It may take me a couple of days but that tree is going down. Its a small one that broke on the other side of my fence but is laying on it among the vines.
Okay, the old body is tired, think I'll crash early tonight. Back to work
tomorrow :-( Gnite.

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