Friday, December 29, 2006

Happy New Year Bloggers!

I see I missed a holiday..I didn't tell you Merry Christmas. Ok, new years resolution: Do something with this blog!.lol..I think I said that last year :-(

Somewhere in my stack of tablets and notes, I have directions on how to put my links on here. That would be a start. I accidently deleted everything when I decided I wanted a new look.

I also need to decide what to give up. I'm trying to do too many things and accomplishing nothing but frustration. Did I mention the interruptions! gotta go!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

Thought I would check to see if I still had a blog. I'm going to have to take blog lessons. When I first got this blog, I was posting almost everyday. Now its almost every holiday. The only time I can think of a title :-) That's not the only reason--I've been pretty busy. I'm going to put my blog on my list of things to do, or redo.
For now, if anyone pops up, have a Happy Thanksgiving or a great week depending on where you're from. I forget not everyone is in the US.


Saturday, September 02, 2006

Happy Labor Day!

I think Labor day will be over by the time this posts but hope you had a good one anyway. I worked today and again Monday. I don't take Monday holidays very often. If I'm off more than a day, my department looks like Rita struck again. Since I lost my helper, I started taking Sundays and Wednesdays off. I miss my week-ends off but I also like that break in the middle of the week so either way is ok.
I just realized I haven't posted since June. Been busy working on my sites, ads, rent houses, and my job, ofcourse.
I'm putting another link on for my latest program I joined. Then hopefully I'll have my web page done soon. Still workin on those words:-)



Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Are you practicing safe cleaning?

Thought I was going to say something else, huh? :-) I was playing around with my ads yesterday and came up with that. No, I didn't use it. Sounded sort of tacky. I placed some ads for my Veruni store using ad words. Its hard coming up with the right words sometimes. I'll place an ad or link somewhere and want to grab my computer and shake it and say;"DO SOMETHING! One minute I think, "don't give up", then the next I say "forget it." I guess all that comes with the territory.
I'm watching America's got Talent. Some of them are pretty good at what they do. Some should have stayed home. I wouldn't have the guts to get up there in front of everyone and do some of the stunts some of them did. Some of it is funny though.
Time for Law and Order. cya
Oh, btw, (if anyone actually pops up), Have a good 4th of July.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Congrats Grads and happy Fathers Day

I figured I would'nt be back before father's day so I titled it for both. I bet there's a lot of grads here. (or both :-)) My friend sent me this and ofcourse i have to put it on my blog. Some of you may not appreciate it now, but just wait. OK, here it is:
Have a great week-end.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

A little corny but cute

Subject: Dear Diary

Last year I replaced all the windows in my house with those expensive double pane energy efficient kind. But today I got a call from the contractor who installed them. He was complaining that the work had been completed a whole year ago and I hadn't paid for them.

Hellloooo? Now just because I'm blonde doesn't mean that I am automatically stupid. So, I told him just what his fast talking sales guy had told ME last year...namely, that in just ONE YEAR these windows would pay for themselves! Helllooooo? It's been a year!

There was only silence at the other end of the line, so I finally just hung up.... He didn't call back. Guess I won that stupid argument.

Yep, I'm up to my old jokes again:-)

Have a great Memorial Day.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

My new grandson

I'm having a little trouble with my pictures. I wanted to see if they come out here like they do on my journal. Way too big. I got my first dig camera for christmas so I'm still learning. OK, here goes...

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Staying busy

Work is back to normal now. I've back to working on the old house, studying my internet courses and tending to my store. Then the everyday things.

I like learning internet marketing, html, etc but it does get a little confusing sometimes, and frustrating. Hopefully it will be worth it later on.

I'm going to get out the luggage today to start packing. Then get my car checked and filled with gas this week. I may have already mentioned it, but I have another grandson due any day. Supposed to be around the 12th. We were lucky when the first one was born. My son called me at work around 8 a.m. and we were there by 2:00. The weather was good, the traffic wasn't too bad, and I only made one wrong turn:-) This time I think I remember where the hospital is. I'll get my son to refresh my memory.
I haven't seen my son or grandson since December. Sure miss them. Soon I'll be missing 2 grandsons.

That was the only good thing about the hurricane. I spent 2 weeks with them. We had decided if the houses were destroyed, we were moving up there. I was glad the damages weren't too bad but I wouldn't have minded living closer to them.

Think I'll go out for a smoke and decide what I'm going to do first...pack, study,clean house, tend to my store? ok, cyl

Friday, April 14, 2006

Good Friday

I have the day off today. First day off in about 2 weeks. Had inventory at work. Each year it seems harder than the one before. OK, not a spring chick anymore:-) When I work like that, it makes me tired but at the same time it motivates me to work harder at home on my sites. I finally got around to joining another affiliate program. I put the link on yesterday but its not there yet. I'll try again if its not there tomorrow.
I'm working on my Bidchaser Store today. I haven't done much to it lately because they were having problems with the program or programers. That's all corrected and seems to be functioning well now. We just need to get some more shoppers there.
Someday I'm going to get it right. I have a lot of plans and ideas to improve my skills on the net. Finding more time is one problem. Then ofcourse, money. I need to learn to use them both more wisely.
byw, I don't know if my last 2 "commenters"(?) will pop up again. I removed the post they left and no, I'm not interested. I would rather have no visitors than those.
Alright, time to go. Happy Easter.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

March 9, 06

Its been a month since my last post so I thought I'd post a little something so I wouldn't lose my blog. Some day I'm going to decide what to do with it. Not until I get a better computer and can think. I know if I want visitors I need to come up with something interesting or worth reading.

I'm still busy working on my old house, then its tax time. That's always fun:-(
Between house hunting, moving, computer crashing and "Rita", didn't do much business last year. At least there won't be much to report.

Ok, better get to work. cya

Thursday, February 09, 2006

No Comment

Nope, no comment. I have to come check sometimes, just in case. I need to change and update again. I've moved since I posted my profile and only have 2 spoiled dogs now and 1 cat. Unless I count the old alley cat I've been feeding. He pops up early in the morning before I go to work and comes back in the evening to eat. I'm a softy, what can I say?
I'm still working on the old house almost every day. Its looking pretty good if I can say so myself. I'm getting ready to redo the cabinets in the kitchen. That will probably take a week or so.
My son turns 33 today. I'll have to give him a call sometime today. He's off with an injured foot. Was chasing a prowler or burglar and stepped in a hole. He hurts that foot often since he broke it in the acadamy.
Time to go to work. bye4now

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Wasting time

it turns out I wasn't the only one who screwed up that day. I hated to go back to work Monday but I guess misery loves company and I was kind of glad I wasn't the only one. Like I said, "I'll do better next time."
My renter's girlfriend came over yesterday evening and talked to me about renting the old house. He thought I already had someone, which I did, but he lost his job so can't rent it. I told her they could but I still had some work to do in it. Someone else at work is interested in the little house when they move out of it so hopefully I'll have them both rented soon. He was always good about paying what he owed in the lil house and helping out so I think it will be alright. There's not going to be any working for the rent anymore. If he does anything I'll pay him then. It was a hassle keeping up with what he did and what to deduct from the rent.
I'm thinking in about 5 years, I'll sell this place with all 3 houses. There's a lot to do by then. I'm shooting for 5 years, anyway.
Its 6AM already and Mama's up so I better get this day started. bye4now

Friday, January 20, 2006

Feel like a Heel

Good thing I can't be voted off at work. There's probably a few others that wish that too. We had our inspection yesterday and I didn't do so well. When its over they give the whole store a score. Thanks to me we got a 91. Management was happy with it but I usually get 100 in my dept and got an 80. I had been working over every day so everything would be just right. When they were checking me ,it was going just fine; my books were right, my hazardous claims were all right but in one of my boxes I scanned 1 item twice when I only had one, then another I scanned once and I had 2. I have really been kicking myself. My friends at work said its human to make mistakes, that I was tired and kept getting interupted. I knew I was tired so I should had concentrated better. My helper has been sick for 2 weeks so I've been doing it all. I can't help think what our score could have been.:-( I'll do better next time. One of my bosses sent someone for me to go see her outside. I thought, "outside?" It was for me to give her an answer to one of the questions they ask..Whew! She's never chewed me out but there's always a first time.
I'm off today because I worked too many hours. They don't like OT. A lot of good it did. Now thats enough whining! Not sure what all I'm going to do today. If it doesn't rain, I'll go paint; if it does rain, I'll...clean house or something.
My renter is moving out. Don't know when but he's getting married for the 5th time. I wished him luck and told him I would miss my handyman and front porch chats. So, Ill be getting 2 houses ready to rent. Time 4asmoke, bye.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Same o stuff

My new years first week was like most of us. Just continuing from the last one. Wouldn't it be nice if you could really start fresh and only take the good stuff to the next year? I'm day dreaming again. Wishing all the work was done around here. By the time it gets done, another storm will come. I started painting in the old house today. I was going to work in the yard afterwards but my renter told me to leave my chain saw where he could find it tomorrow and he would work in the yard. Good! I hope we get it all done before the last pick up so I don't have to get it hauled off.
I don't know yet when they are going to start working on my house. He showed up Monday and gave me his bid. I was afraid I was going to have to add him to my "do not call" list. His bid is more than what my insurance gave me. Now I'm trying to contact my adjuster about getting more money.
I'm going to put in for a vacation tomorrow for the end of February. I'll be counting the days:-) I don't know if we will go anywhere. Mama wants to go put flowers on Daddys grave for his birthday. Its the 22nd of Feb. And ofcourse I want to see my son and grandson. I also need to be working in the old house to get it rentable. I'm going to do as much as I can myself before I hire anyone to work on it. My renter helps sometimes, too.
Think I'll go out for a smoke, now, since I can't remember what I was going to post about. I was thinking about something earlier when I was outside. It wasn't about the above stuff..I just threw that in until I remembered what I was going to say..hum..a case of CRS, perhaps:-)bbl