Saturday, January 28, 2006

Wasting time

it turns out I wasn't the only one who screwed up that day. I hated to go back to work Monday but I guess misery loves company and I was kind of glad I wasn't the only one. Like I said, "I'll do better next time."
My renter's girlfriend came over yesterday evening and talked to me about renting the old house. He thought I already had someone, which I did, but he lost his job so can't rent it. I told her they could but I still had some work to do in it. Someone else at work is interested in the little house when they move out of it so hopefully I'll have them both rented soon. He was always good about paying what he owed in the lil house and helping out so I think it will be alright. There's not going to be any working for the rent anymore. If he does anything I'll pay him then. It was a hassle keeping up with what he did and what to deduct from the rent.
I'm thinking in about 5 years, I'll sell this place with all 3 houses. There's a lot to do by then. I'm shooting for 5 years, anyway.
Its 6AM already and Mama's up so I better get this day started. bye4now

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