Sunday, March 18, 2007

Better than nothing

I started this in my " Word "and forgot to post it Thursday. O well :-)
Yelp, rained on my yard sale. It wasn’t a total loss though. I had put an ad in the paper that said “cancel if raining, ”which I shouldn’t have because we decided to arrange it in my 2 rent houses inside. They are both vacant right now. We put some signs up and managed to get a few people. I made around $30.00. Better than nothing, huh? We’re going to try it again in a couple of weeks. Actually, we're going to start doing them more often. I've been looking for cheap stuff and telling my friends if they want to get rid of their junk to bring it to me. I like doing stuff like that anyway.

My vacation is flying by. I go back to work Monday morning and my dept will be a wreck. Always is on Monday morning but it will be worse this time since I’m not working Saturday. I love my job, I love my job:-( I know, I know, better be glad I have one, right?

I didn't get to see my grandsons this vacation because they went to OK. I'll see them next vacation in May for my youngest one's first birthday. I need to start thinking about what to get him. They have so much, its hard deciding what to get, but I'll come up with something.

Time to get busy with my internet chores. I've been adding new items to my Qshop if anyone cares to take a look. I just have about 2000 items left to go.:-)

That's my scoop for the day.

Have a great day!
