Sunday, April 23, 2006

Staying busy

Work is back to normal now. I've back to working on the old house, studying my internet courses and tending to my store. Then the everyday things.

I like learning internet marketing, html, etc but it does get a little confusing sometimes, and frustrating. Hopefully it will be worth it later on.

I'm going to get out the luggage today to start packing. Then get my car checked and filled with gas this week. I may have already mentioned it, but I have another grandson due any day. Supposed to be around the 12th. We were lucky when the first one was born. My son called me at work around 8 a.m. and we were there by 2:00. The weather was good, the traffic wasn't too bad, and I only made one wrong turn:-) This time I think I remember where the hospital is. I'll get my son to refresh my memory.
I haven't seen my son or grandson since December. Sure miss them. Soon I'll be missing 2 grandsons.

That was the only good thing about the hurricane. I spent 2 weeks with them. We had decided if the houses were destroyed, we were moving up there. I was glad the damages weren't too bad but I wouldn't have minded living closer to them.

Think I'll go out for a smoke and decide what I'm going to do first...pack, study,clean house, tend to my store? ok, cyl

Friday, April 14, 2006

Good Friday

I have the day off today. First day off in about 2 weeks. Had inventory at work. Each year it seems harder than the one before. OK, not a spring chick anymore:-) When I work like that, it makes me tired but at the same time it motivates me to work harder at home on my sites. I finally got around to joining another affiliate program. I put the link on yesterday but its not there yet. I'll try again if its not there tomorrow.
I'm working on my Bidchaser Store today. I haven't done much to it lately because they were having problems with the program or programers. That's all corrected and seems to be functioning well now. We just need to get some more shoppers there.
Someday I'm going to get it right. I have a lot of plans and ideas to improve my skills on the net. Finding more time is one problem. Then ofcourse, money. I need to learn to use them both more wisely.
byw, I don't know if my last 2 "commenters"(?) will pop up again. I removed the post they left and no, I'm not interested. I would rather have no visitors than those.
Alright, time to go. Happy Easter.