Let's see..what new year's resolution am I going to break this year. Quit smoking?, lose weight?, Might as well. This year really had some ups and downs. I was trying to decide rather to sell my old house, fix it up or what. I decided to get a new one which is good. It seemed to take forever to get everything done to move in, finally got in, spent 5 nights in it then had to evacuate. I wish we could have enjoyed it a little longer. Now there's holes in the roof and ceiling, the siding and skirt are tore up and it don't look like its getting fixed any time soon. I've had ones not show up, or say they will get back with me or not return my calls. I have a "do not call" list on my refrigerator. And I will not call them again! I thought I had found someone last week. He actually showed up and said he would get back to me in a couple of days. Okay, I gave him til after Christmas and haven'nt heard back from him yet. I'm beginning to think I should have had more damage so it would be a bigger job where they would make more money. I'll find someone if I don't run out of names. I did have a roofer show up, too, but I would rather have someone to fix all of it.
My brother came to see us Saturday and told me to hang in there til Spring and he would come up with me a computer. I miss my dsl and my old pc. This one was free so I shouldn't complain. At least I can post on my blog:-)
Better get off of here. cyal next year:-)
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Merry Christmas Early
I FINALLY got a dig camera. We celebrated Christmas early with my son and his family this week-end since he has to work every week-end this month. They gave me a dig. camera,Yay! Now, I need to learn how to operate it. Okay I'm a little behind...everyone has digital cameras. I need to get a better computer next. Haven't yet because theres so many repairs to be done around here. Insurance doesn't cover everything. Plus I'm having dental work done. Anyway, I'll get one eventually. This one will have to do for now.
I had fun playing with my grandson. I watched him last night while they went to a Christmas party. Whew! I need to get in better shape or something. Thought he was going to wear me out playing ball in the kitchen. I would bounce it around while he jumped up and down trying to get it. I would sit down and he would grab my leg to get up and play more ball. They have another one on the way and its another boy. Yelp, I better shape up..lol..
I don't watch the news every day and apparently I have missed something. Whats this crap about No Merry Christmas but you can say "Happy Holidays?!" I saw a vihicle in the parking lot, too, that said "Merry Christmas, not Happy Holidays." Then at work at one of the meeting they were telling us we could tell the customers Merry Christmas if we wanted to. Since when do I need permission to tell someone Merry Christmas? What next! Some things go a little overboard if you ask me.
I'll be back on the phone tomorrow. Still trying to get estimates for my storm repairs. I have a couple of friends that was going to fix my roof but I decided against it. They don't have insurnce and not bonded. It was tempting, though. gotta go.
I had fun playing with my grandson. I watched him last night while they went to a Christmas party. Whew! I need to get in better shape or something. Thought he was going to wear me out playing ball in the kitchen. I would bounce it around while he jumped up and down trying to get it. I would sit down and he would grab my leg to get up and play more ball. They have another one on the way and its another boy. Yelp, I better shape up..lol..
I don't watch the news every day and apparently I have missed something. Whats this crap about No Merry Christmas but you can say "Happy Holidays?!" I saw a vihicle in the parking lot, too, that said "Merry Christmas, not Happy Holidays." Then at work at one of the meeting they were telling us we could tell the customers Merry Christmas if we wanted to. Since when do I need permission to tell someone Merry Christmas? What next! Some things go a little overboard if you ask me.
I'll be back on the phone tomorrow. Still trying to get estimates for my storm repairs. I have a couple of friends that was going to fix my roof but I decided against it. They don't have insurnce and not bonded. It was tempting, though. gotta go.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
OH NO! Another Brainstorm
I haven't had a chance to give the old house a good cleaning since we moved out so did that today. while I was in there, I got to thinking..Its going to be a while before I can get it ready to rent and the "Shop deal" didn't work out..so why don't I use it for that? I could have yard sales on Saturday and when I'm off on Wednesdays. I already have a business name filed at that address anyway. I did that when I started my first web site. I cleaned out the 2 front rooms, then I'm going to paint them and hopefully get the front porch fixed and paint it, too. I can put garden decor in the front yard and windchimes and birdhouses on the porch, then display other stuff in the 2 front rooms. I haven't been doing anything lately for my business except catlog orders. Can't work on my Bidchaser store with this computer. It would probably take an hour just to put 2 things on sale.
Besides brainstorming I worked in the yard and cleaned in here a little. I started cutting that tree with a bow saw. Don't laugh..I'm almost finished. My hand started hurting so I'll do some more tomorrow. It may take me a couple of days but that tree is going down. Its a small one that broke on the other side of my fence but is laying on it among the vines.
Okay, the old body is tired, think I'll crash early tonight. Back to work
tomorrow :-( Gnite.
Besides brainstorming I worked in the yard and cleaned in here a little. I started cutting that tree with a bow saw. Don't laugh..I'm almost finished. My hand started hurting so I'll do some more tomorrow. It may take me a couple of days but that tree is going down. Its a small one that broke on the other side of my fence but is laying on it among the vines.
Okay, the old body is tired, think I'll crash early tonight. Back to work
tomorrow :-( Gnite.
Give me an E
I experimented yesterday with this computer. Its just a temp til I get another good one so no great loss if I ruined it. I took the CD rom out and took it apart to see if I could tell why it wouldn't hold the CDs. I fixed my CD player with just tightening a little screw. I was hoping that was all this one needed but that's just part of it. I can put a CD in it now and make it hold it but it won't play. I have a windowsMe CD I wanted to download hoping to make this thing work better. I'm not spending a lot of money on it. Anyway, give me an E for effort. At least now its a clean old, slow pc:-)While I had it apart I sprayed it with Air Duster and vacuumed it. Today I'll finish putting it back together. Still got the sides and top to put back on.
I worked in my yard most of the day yesterday. Took apart the pc before daylight then finished it when it started raining. My renter came over here Friday and said my weedeater was shot so he didn't weedeat like he planned. Guess who weedeated yesterday, right ME. Its amazing how well they work when you change the string in them..lol.. I don't know why he didn't mow so guess again who mowed, right again.
Then I cut some more limbs in back. My neighbor had her two big trees removed Thursday. Sure was glad of that. I just have the small one left hangin on the fence. The only thing holding it is the vines. I started cutting the vines and yes, I keep a close eye on the tree. I'm putting my 2 dogs back there when I get the fence fixed. Now, they stay in the old house when I'm not outside to watch them.
FEMA man is coming today. I'm going to clean a little. Its not too bad but I need to mop the kitchen and vacuum. Here I go rambling again:-)
My smoke got cut short this morn. There's a wooded lot next to me and something was in there that didn't sound very happy. I ran in here with my cig, not thinking and put it out in the bathroom and turned on the vent. I really want one now. not til daylight..lol..it was probably an owl but I wasn't sticking around to see. bbl
I worked in my yard most of the day yesterday. Took apart the pc before daylight then finished it when it started raining. My renter came over here Friday and said my weedeater was shot so he didn't weedeat like he planned. Guess who weedeated yesterday, right ME. Its amazing how well they work when you change the string in them..lol.. I don't know why he didn't mow so guess again who mowed, right again.
Then I cut some more limbs in back. My neighbor had her two big trees removed Thursday. Sure was glad of that. I just have the small one left hangin on the fence. The only thing holding it is the vines. I started cutting the vines and yes, I keep a close eye on the tree. I'm putting my 2 dogs back there when I get the fence fixed. Now, they stay in the old house when I'm not outside to watch them.
FEMA man is coming today. I'm going to clean a little. Its not too bad but I need to mop the kitchen and vacuum. Here I go rambling again:-)
My smoke got cut short this morn. There's a wooded lot next to me and something was in there that didn't sound very happy. I ran in here with my cig, not thinking and put it out in the bathroom and turned on the vent. I really want one now. not til daylight..lol..it was probably an owl but I wasn't sticking around to see. bbl
Thursday, November 03, 2005
hmmm? don't know
I started this post a few days ago and didn't finish it. Nothing much has changed. Had another "No Show" Saturday. That's twice so far I was supposed to get an estimate and they don't show up. Now I'm trying to contact someone my son told me about. After the storm one of his friends and some others from his friend's church came over here and took pictures, cut the tree off the house and put a tarp on it. Turns out one of those men works on houses. My son said I may have to get on his list which is fine with me. I need to get on someone's list. I think I would rather use him because he did come and help out for nothing so I don't think he will over charge me. I'm still waiting on Blue Roof to come recover my roof. They took off the tarp that was on there and put on theirs then it leaked when it rained.
Other than cleaning up the yard, that's whats happening around here. Had to work over Mon. and Tues. so nothing got done those days. Yesterday I cleaned a little in the old house when I got off. Oh yea, my neighbor had her trees removed yesterday. I was going to get the part on my side of the fence removed. I still have a small one to cut off the fence but it came from the lot next to her. Hers was the big Pine (the one that landed on the roof) and another one next to it.
Time to go. cyal
Other than cleaning up the yard, that's whats happening around here. Had to work over Mon. and Tues. so nothing got done those days. Yesterday I cleaned a little in the old house when I got off. Oh yea, my neighbor had her trees removed yesterday. I was going to get the part on my side of the fence removed. I still have a small one to cut off the fence but it came from the lot next to her. Hers was the big Pine (the one that landed on the roof) and another one next to it.
Time to go. cyal
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Still trying to catch up
You know, the bad thing about this catching up is that you (that is..if anyone is there) read the last one first. I told about D and the shop, the storm but haven't got to telling about my renters. She left him about 3 weeks ago. she told me she was planning on it before the storm - it just delayed it a little. When she left, she did it while he was at work. When he got off he came over and asked me if I got any mail for him from FEMA. I told him no, T gave me my mail, which is when she told me she was leaving. So he thinks she got the check and took off with it. I thought it was kind of odd when she brought me my mail. I usually bring her the mail. I really don't know or care but she also took their dog and left him the cat. One day I came home for lunch and saw him drive up and she pulled in behind him, walked up to the truck and started hitting him. He got out and they both went at it in the driveway. I kept trying to call the cops with my cell phone because our regular phone hadn't bee fixed yet. Its a new phone and I kept forgetting to hit the green button. They stopped and she was still standing there after he went in so I called him to make sure he was alright. That was a mistake because he had already called the cops and since I saw what happened, I had to wait to tell what I saw. My neighbor was outside and also had to tell what he saw. I was hoping they had dropped it but a man from the dept came by last Wednesday and we had to write out a statement. Next, I guess we go to court. He filed on her and she filed on him for taking the dog. That's what the fight was about. He went driving around where she works and lives and saw the dog walking on the street and took him home. Shes trying to file battery charges on him and she's the one who started hitting first. He was just fighting her off til she stopped swinging at him. So he filed on her. Its a bunch of crap, anyway. He told me she thinks we're sleeping together. I said I wasn't surprised. She can think all she wants.
Believe it or not, I use to live a nice quite peaceful life until recently. I didn't even know my neighbors except the ones next to me. Me and Mama would go to church sometimes or go visit my best friend who lives here, too, or go out of town to visit relatives. There was no drunks, fighting, or any other BS. There wasn't any damn dogs going around killing cats either. I haven't heard from D at the shop. I was expecting her to pop up after I moved out but she didn't and that's good. That was another big disappointment. I was excited about the shop and making plans to advertise, get more mdse, etc..It wasn't mine tho, I rented a space from D who rented it from the owner of the building. Oh well, that's the way it goes, huh? I may try to get another space in the Spring from someone who knows how to stay sober and run a business. Time to go.
Believe it or not, I use to live a nice quite peaceful life until recently. I didn't even know my neighbors except the ones next to me. Me and Mama would go to church sometimes or go visit my best friend who lives here, too, or go out of town to visit relatives. There was no drunks, fighting, or any other BS. There wasn't any damn dogs going around killing cats either. I haven't heard from D at the shop. I was expecting her to pop up after I moved out but she didn't and that's good. That was another big disappointment. I was excited about the shop and making plans to advertise, get more mdse, etc..It wasn't mine tho, I rented a space from D who rented it from the owner of the building. Oh well, that's the way it goes, huh? I may try to get another space in the Spring from someone who knows how to stay sober and run a business. Time to go.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Bad Day
This morning at work when I was on break, M,my renter, who also works there,came in and asked me if I had a gun. I answered;"No, why?" He told me 2 dogs killed a black cat in my front yard. I have (or had) a black cat named Shadow but there are a couple of other black cats in the neighborhood. One is here almost all the time now and we started calling him Blacky. I like him but I have to admit; I was hoping it wasn't Shadow. I came home for lunch and saw Kitty, our other cat who is Shadow's mother,and Blacky...No Shadow. I sat around outside hoping she would pop up and looked out there a little while ago to see if she was here for her supper and she's not. My renter said by the time he realized what was going on, it was too late. He chased them off and hit one of them with a log. He was still had on his pajama bottoms and went in to change so he could bury her but by the time he went back out she was gone. Guess they carried her body off. She was 10 years old. I get too attached to my pets. I was still missing Princess, one of my dogs, who died about 2 weeks ago. She was 14. What really upsets me about Shadow is how she died. Princess was getting old and I knew she wouldn't be here much longer but Shadow was killed by 2 visious dogs who shouldn't have been out. I have to keep mine inside except when I'm out with them because the fence is down. But these were running the roads.
Fema came and put a tarp on my roof last week and it leaked last night when it rained. I was going to ask them to come again but they had moved from their location where I applied. Great! Still haven't got an estimate. Was supposed to get one Friday and he didn't show up. I'm off tomorrow so I'll be on the phone again. I need my old house worked on too so I can rent it out. Its going to be a while and I need to be patient. That's what I keep telling myself but my patience is running low right now. Okay, I'm through bitching for now. Going out to take one more look and a smoke. b4now
Fema came and put a tarp on my roof last week and it leaked last night when it rained. I was going to ask them to come again but they had moved from their location where I applied. Great! Still haven't got an estimate. Was supposed to get one Friday and he didn't show up. I'm off tomorrow so I'll be on the phone again. I need my old house worked on too so I can rent it out. Its going to be a while and I need to be patient. That's what I keep telling myself but my patience is running low right now. Okay, I'm through bitching for now. Going out to take one more look and a smoke. b4now
Sunday, October 30, 2005
About the shop
Alright, I told you about the shop but haven't got to why I left. When we returned home I was trying to find her (we'll call her "D"). I asked my neighbor who happens to be friends with her, where she was. When we left she was staying at her brother's because she had just left her husband coz he slept with her sister. Actually he's her x but she was living with him again. The last place I would have looked was at his house, if he even has a house left. My neighbor "J" said she was drunk and on pills again and staying with HER SISTER!?. I was already thinking about leaving the shop but wanted to tell her first. With the storm and everything, I didn't it would do very well right now. After speaking to J and then my renter..I'm fixing to tell ya about that...I knew it (the shop) would never do any good. I doubt that anyone who knows her would want to buy anything from her so they wouldn't buy from me either being in there with her. I'm no angel and I knew she wasn't either. What people do on their own time is their own business to a certain extent.
My renter "M" told me that while I was gone she paid him a little visit. His "wife" or whatever, (that's another story) had evacuated with her job at the old folks home. D proceeded to sit there and get drunk and started going on about her sister and x. She wanted to have sex with M. He told her he wasn't available and if "T" came home she would probably kill someone. D said she would make him forget all about her and so on..In the meantime her x had parked his truck in my drive until they cleared the road to his house. She grabbed the bolt cutters and wanted to hit his truck with them. M managed to stop her and told him (her x) he better come get his truck. So she decides to start on the guys working on the road. They're trying to work and she keeps cussing at them and they keep telling her to go on. And thenn--the media was trying to interview M about the storm and she walks up (yelp, still drunk) and says "What the hell is going on here?" Needless to say, that didn't get showed. Do I need to say more? I know you can't wait but not now. Smoke time:-)
My renter "M" told me that while I was gone she paid him a little visit. His "wife" or whatever, (that's another story) had evacuated with her job at the old folks home. D proceeded to sit there and get drunk and started going on about her sister and x. She wanted to have sex with M. He told her he wasn't available and if "T" came home she would probably kill someone. D said she would make him forget all about her and so on..In the meantime her x had parked his truck in my drive until they cleared the road to his house. She grabbed the bolt cutters and wanted to hit his truck with them. M managed to stop her and told him (her x) he better come get his truck. So she decides to start on the guys working on the road. They're trying to work and she keeps cussing at them and they keep telling her to go on. And thenn--the media was trying to interview M about the storm and she walks up (yelp, still drunk) and says "What the hell is going on here?" Needless to say, that didn't get showed. Do I need to say more? I know you can't wait but not now. Smoke time:-)
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Back to my story
My "back again" post might end up here twice. This computer is sooo sloooww. Better than nothing.
In the last post I mentioned getting a spot on a shop then getting out of it. I had a yard sale before I moved and met this lady who lives down the road from me. She asked if I was interested in selling some of my stuff in her shop. I said I would try it but couldn't be there a lot because I work. She said she would be there most of the time. At first it was ok. I would go there some days when I got off to put out more things and stay if she wanted to leave early. A lot of times, she had already left. I was really looking forward to trying to make something out of it. I'm glad now I didn't order more mdse. We were open about 3 weeks when we had to evacuate. That was the first place I checked when we came back. It was close to the exit is why..not because I cared more about it than my house. Everything was just the way we left it. The building is pretty old and I was really surprised it wasn't damaged. bbl again, got to go to work:-(
In the last post I mentioned getting a spot on a shop then getting out of it. I had a yard sale before I moved and met this lady who lives down the road from me. She asked if I was interested in selling some of my stuff in her shop. I said I would try it but couldn't be there a lot because I work. She said she would be there most of the time. At first it was ok. I would go there some days when I got off to put out more things and stay if she wanted to leave early. A lot of times, she had already left. I was really looking forward to trying to make something out of it. I'm glad now I didn't order more mdse. We were open about 3 weeks when we had to evacuate. That was the first place I checked when we came back. It was close to the exit is why..not because I cared more about it than my house. Everything was just the way we left it. The building is pretty old and I was really surprised it wasn't damaged. bbl again, got to go to work:-(
Friday, October 28, 2005
Back again
There's so much to tell..where do I start...haven't posted here since July. I think we were trying to get moved into the new house. Mama and I got a double wide and put it behind the old house. We spent 5 nights in it and had to evacuate. Stayed 2 weeks at my son's house. Oh, before that my computer crashed..its a goner. A friend at work had this one in her shed and gave it to me. I figured it would get destroyed in the storm but it survived. I miss my dsl. I'm using dial up right now and this computer has windows95 in it. My xp is still at the shop with my other computer. Their roof collasped so its in their storage right now. I lost everything in the other computer and most of it wasn't on disk. I hope to get my son's computer soon. I'm getting them a new one for Christmas, or should I say Christmas, birthday, anniversary, etc.
We were lucky compared to some others when "Rita" hit. A pine tree fell on our master bath, there's a hole about the size of a basketball and 2 smaller ones in the roof and ceiling. I was supposed to get an estimate today but he didn't show up. Glad FEMA put a good tarp on it coz it looks like its going to be a while before I get it repaired. My old house has a metal strip hanging from the roof and that's it!; and the lil house my renter lives in didn't get a scratch. I hated seeing my new house damaged but like I said, we were one of the lucky ones. Its a mess everywhere. I'll probably be cleaning up my yard for the next month or so. 4 trees fell in it and I have a big tree that didn't fall but some of the limbs that fell out of it are the size of small trees.
On the brighter side, I really enjoyed spending time with my son and grandson. I hadn't seen my grandson in 5 months. My son had been down a couple of times helping me house hunt and move. I also liked the break from work. I'll have to be careful what I wish for. Before the storm I was trying to get moved in the new house and had just got a space in a thrift shop to sell my stuff,needed to get my old house ready to rent, plus going to work..There were times I would think I needed to get away from all of it a while; I got my wish, but that's not exactly what I had in mind.:-)
I moved out of the shop when I got back. That didn't last long. I'll tell about that later. I better sign off for now. I'm hoping this post shows up. cyl, Tere
We were lucky compared to some others when "Rita" hit. A pine tree fell on our master bath, there's a hole about the size of a basketball and 2 smaller ones in the roof and ceiling. I was supposed to get an estimate today but he didn't show up. Glad FEMA put a good tarp on it coz it looks like its going to be a while before I get it repaired. My old house has a metal strip hanging from the roof and that's it!; and the lil house my renter lives in didn't get a scratch. I hated seeing my new house damaged but like I said, we were one of the lucky ones. Its a mess everywhere. I'll probably be cleaning up my yard for the next month or so. 4 trees fell in it and I have a big tree that didn't fall but some of the limbs that fell out of it are the size of small trees.
On the brighter side, I really enjoyed spending time with my son and grandson. I hadn't seen my grandson in 5 months. My son had been down a couple of times helping me house hunt and move. I also liked the break from work. I'll have to be careful what I wish for. Before the storm I was trying to get moved in the new house and had just got a space in a thrift shop to sell my stuff,needed to get my old house ready to rent, plus going to work..There were times I would think I needed to get away from all of it a while; I got my wish, but that's not exactly what I had in mind.:-)
I moved out of the shop when I got back. That didn't last long. I'll tell about that later. I better sign off for now. I'm hoping this post shows up. cyl, Tere
quick note
Hope my journal friends found me. Can't log in there. Between dial up or either this old computer, I can't block pop ups yet and that's what I get when I try to log in. Anyway, bbl, Tere
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
aha I like this

I'm behind on the blog's new features, too, I see. This is easier than the other way. I've got to do it one more time..I like this one..it was one my friend sent that was taken by Nasa scientists and named "The Eye of God." Pretty neat, huh? It was fun but I don't have time to play anymore tonight.
Gnite :-),Tere
Trying out image
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Happy July 5th
I didn't make it before July 4th to post. I see I haven't been here since Father's Day. I've been busy house hunting, working, etc..During my search I discovered some interesting houses. They are water proof, wind proof, fire proof, bullit proof and some other proofs. They are made from recycled materials so they kill less trees to build. I think anyone wanting to invest or start their own business or build a new house would find it worth checking into. I did become an affiliate to see how it goes.
I'm off tomorrow but have lots to do. Go to the bank, take Mama get her blood test, and get my mamogram. Then I might do some more packing. I also have an order to place plus its time for new books.
I see i have some mail. Going check it and then go to bed. cyal
I'm off tomorrow but have lots to do. Go to the bank, take Mama get her blood test, and get my mamogram. Then I might do some more packing. I also have an order to place plus its time for new books.
I see i have some mail. Going check it and then go to bed. cyal
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Happy Father's Day
I'm experimenting with my wordpad. This, I think, is much better. I know, why haven't I thought of that already:(. I'm killing time before my conference training room or whatever you call it.
Back to work tomorrow after 10 days off. Yuck! I didn't get to see my grandson this time. Stayed home and did some things around here. Got more things ready for the yard sale and washed the house. Thought the appraisor was coming Friday but he didn't
show up. Its alright though, I think I changed my mind anyway. I was going to try to get a home equity loan but my son seems to think I can get a loan for a new home. He's coming next week to take me look around. He also said he would co sign if I needed him to. I should be excited about a new home even if its just a mobile home but there's so much red tape and getting this one torn down and where I want it (the new one), there's trees I want cut down. Let me rephrase that..they need cutting down.
Its almost time. Everyone have a great week. Tere
Back to work tomorrow after 10 days off. Yuck! I didn't get to see my grandson this time. Stayed home and did some things around here. Got more things ready for the yard sale and washed the house. Thought the appraisor was coming Friday but he didn't
show up. Its alright though, I think I changed my mind anyway. I was going to try to get a home equity loan but my son seems to think I can get a loan for a new home. He's coming next week to take me look around. He also said he would co sign if I needed him to. I should be excited about a new home even if its just a mobile home but there's so much red tape and getting this one torn down and where I want it (the new one), there's trees I want cut down. Let me rephrase that..they need cutting down.
Its almost time. Everyone have a great week. Tere
Monday, June 13, 2005
Just checking my blog
I'm making my rounds while I take a break. Going through stuff again to add to the yard sale. I need to contact my friends daughter. she's been wanting to have one so I'll see if she wants to have one here with me.
My son called yesterday and told me they got a new Tahoe. I knew they were thinking about it and when they start thinking, they usually do. Sounded like a pretty good deal. They were able to finance what he stilled owed on his truck, traded in her car and financed the Tahoe with the balance of the truck and paying over $100.00 a month less on car notes.
I still haven't got my windshield fixed from the hail storm. The roofers, glass companies, and body shops around here are doing good right now. That was a bad night..I never heard hail so loud and hard in my life. My roof is probably damaged, too. Its not leaking but since I'm thinking about tearing down the house anyway, there's no point checking it.
I'm gone, if anyone pops up, have a great day. Tere
My son called yesterday and told me they got a new Tahoe. I knew they were thinking about it and when they start thinking, they usually do. Sounded like a pretty good deal. They were able to finance what he stilled owed on his truck, traded in her car and financed the Tahoe with the balance of the truck and paying over $100.00 a month less on car notes.
I still haven't got my windshield fixed from the hail storm. The roofers, glass companies, and body shops around here are doing good right now. That was a bad night..I never heard hail so loud and hard in my life. My roof is probably damaged, too. Its not leaking but since I'm thinking about tearing down the house anyway, there's no point checking it.
I'm gone, if anyone pops up, have a great day. Tere
Friday, June 03, 2005
Corey will be missed here, too
I'm sure a lot of you have already heard the news..This is an email I got from Mike today. Its really sad. I read Corey's newsletters and he made you feel like you knew him. I had hoped to afford one of his courses one day but didn't get around to it. That really doesn't matter anyway, it sad for someone so young to die and he was a newly wed, too. I wonder if he knew how many will miss him. If anyone wants to read the story, I copied the email with the news address on it. ( btw, I'm not advertising anything and am not affiated with Mike. I read Mike's newsletters, too, and also feel like I know him. He's right, maybe we all need to call our loved ones and give our marketing and internet work a rest today.) I think I'll call my son.) Have a good week-end. Tere
Here's the email:
Today is a very sad day in the Internet Marketing
world and to many others that knew Cory.
Taking nothing for granted, I will not assume you
knew who he was. But I am sure 90% of you do.
Cory Rudl was one of the top internet marketers
and teachers. He earned over $7 Million Dollars
per year and offered all of his secrets to every-
one in affordable courses for $197-$297
I was one of his customers and I had learned a lot
from him.
Today, I wake up, grab my laptop in bed, and I get
an email. "Shocking News - Did you see this?"
Corey Rudl Died
I am as surprised as you are. I heard it first from
Mike Merz (IM4Newbies.com) when he broadcast an email
to his subscribers about it.
Corey Rudl of the famous MarketingTips.com and
SecretsToTheirSuccess.com was killed when the car the
he was riding as a passanger crashed at California
Speedway in Fontana. The driver also died an hour later
while on the way to the hospital.
Here are some links to the news.
[+] http://www.nbc4.tv/news/4562562/detail.html
With photos of the car
Frankly, I don't know what to think of this. Still
trying to absorb the whole thing.
End of notice
So the first thing I did was get on messenger with my
friend Michael Rasmussen to confirm and it was true.
Then I went to the warrior forum and there were 9
threads and hundreds of replies.
My heart sunk.
I will not claim to have known Cory, to have met him,
or to have spoken to him.
All we had was a replies in 1 thread about ClickBank
a few months ago in a forum. I am sure he never heard
of me.
But I will say that I admired Cory and my goal was to
learn everything I could about him. I started to model
him from a course I purchased from him. I was going to
model is affiliate programs.
I planned on studying him for years to come. It was
weird, because I had heard of him for a long time, but
my ego would not let me buy from him.
Then when I did, I put in his models and strategies and
I saw instant results.
Cory started I think in 1997 and pioneered ebooks and
sequential email and affiliate programs. He was a step
ahead and one you would want to learn from.
You are blessed to have been a customer of his as their
will not be many more chances to learn from him.
*** Why I titled this 'Perspective' ****
Well, as you may know, since Tuesday my site
InstantBuzz.com has been down and I have been working
24/7 to get it back up.
So many good members have been so supportive. We should
be back up later today or tomorrow.
If you want that story go here
But I woke up in a bad mood over this fiasco, and all
woe is me.
Then I got slapped in the face with a reality check
when I heard a real tragedy today.
It really put things in perspective for me. I am signing
off the PC today after I try to get some IB things done.
I encourage all of you to do the same and go spend time
with your families today.
Call your:
and tell them you love them.
Go enjoy the day away from the PC -
God Bless Cory Rudl and may he rest in peace with
the Lord.
My hearts and prayers go out to his friends and family
and this time.
You will be missed Cory :-(
Mike Filsaime
P.S. - If you want to share your thoughts and feelings
about this with other members today,
please do so here:
Here's the email:
Today is a very sad day in the Internet Marketing
world and to many others that knew Cory.
Taking nothing for granted, I will not assume you
knew who he was. But I am sure 90% of you do.
Cory Rudl was one of the top internet marketers
and teachers. He earned over $7 Million Dollars
per year and offered all of his secrets to every-
one in affordable courses for $197-$297
I was one of his customers and I had learned a lot
from him.
Today, I wake up, grab my laptop in bed, and I get
an email. "Shocking News - Did you see this?"
Corey Rudl Died
I am as surprised as you are. I heard it first from
Mike Merz (IM4Newbies.com) when he broadcast an email
to his subscribers about it.
Corey Rudl of the famous MarketingTips.com and
SecretsToTheirSuccess.com was killed when the car the
he was riding as a passanger crashed at California
Speedway in Fontana. The driver also died an hour later
while on the way to the hospital.
Here are some links to the news.
[+] http://www.nbc4.tv/news/4562562/detail.html
With photos of the car
Frankly, I don't know what to think of this. Still
trying to absorb the whole thing.
End of notice
So the first thing I did was get on messenger with my
friend Michael Rasmussen to confirm and it was true.
Then I went to the warrior forum and there were 9
threads and hundreds of replies.
My heart sunk.
I will not claim to have known Cory, to have met him,
or to have spoken to him.
All we had was a replies in 1 thread about ClickBank
a few months ago in a forum. I am sure he never heard
of me.
But I will say that I admired Cory and my goal was to
learn everything I could about him. I started to model
him from a course I purchased from him. I was going to
model is affiliate programs.
I planned on studying him for years to come. It was
weird, because I had heard of him for a long time, but
my ego would not let me buy from him.
Then when I did, I put in his models and strategies and
I saw instant results.
Cory started I think in 1997 and pioneered ebooks and
sequential email and affiliate programs. He was a step
ahead and one you would want to learn from.
You are blessed to have been a customer of his as their
will not be many more chances to learn from him.
*** Why I titled this 'Perspective' ****
Well, as you may know, since Tuesday my site
InstantBuzz.com has been down and I have been working
24/7 to get it back up.
So many good members have been so supportive. We should
be back up later today or tomorrow.
If you want that story go here
But I woke up in a bad mood over this fiasco, and all
woe is me.
Then I got slapped in the face with a reality check
when I heard a real tragedy today.
It really put things in perspective for me. I am signing
off the PC today after I try to get some IB things done.
I encourage all of you to do the same and go spend time
with your families today.
Call your:
and tell them you love them.
Go enjoy the day away from the PC -
God Bless Cory Rudl and may he rest in peace with
the Lord.
My hearts and prayers go out to his friends and family
and this time.
You will be missed Cory :-(
Mike Filsaime
P.S. - If you want to share your thoughts and feelings
about this with other members today,
please do so here:
Friday, May 20, 2005
Info for TX lady drivers
This is true. It's in the lower left side of your Texas Driver's License.
This was news to me and trust me, I got my license out and looked. It's
really there. Something all Texans should know, especially since this has
very little publicity.
Your Texas driver's license has a phone number on the back, just above the
bar code on the lower left side: 1-800-525-5555. (It's VERY SMALL PRINT but
IS there.) This number can be called for emergency assistance on the
highway or wherever you might have trouble while in your car. A service
truck will be sent to you. This service is state operated, paid for with
your tax dollars. If you are ever stranded, just call the number on your
driver's license...help is on the way.
A state trooper will be sent to make sure all is well. This one is worth
passing on to all the women you know!
Do you know all my years of driving I never saw that? I was thinking maybe I'm not the only one. I wonder if any other states do that. Hope so.
Have a great week-end.
This was news to me and trust me, I got my license out and looked. It's
really there. Something all Texans should know, especially since this has
very little publicity.
Your Texas driver's license has a phone number on the back, just above the
bar code on the lower left side: 1-800-525-5555. (It's VERY SMALL PRINT but
IS there.) This number can be called for emergency assistance on the
highway or wherever you might have trouble while in your car. A service
truck will be sent to you. This service is state operated, paid for with
your tax dollars. If you are ever stranded, just call the number on your
driver's license...help is on the way.
A state trooper will be sent to make sure all is well. This one is worth
passing on to all the women you know!
Do you know all my years of driving I never saw that? I was thinking maybe I'm not the only one. I wonder if any other states do that. Hope so.
Have a great week-end.
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Happy Mother's Day
We're waiting on my brother to get here so I thought I'd post a little note. We're going to eat chinese today. There's a new restaurant in town we're going to try.
I've been busy working on my web site and trying to get my journal going. Plus daily chores and work. I had a few more hits on my web site. Now, if I could get buyers would be good.
Yesterday I was cleaning the living room and realized the horse races were on. I like to watch them but haven't lately. Just for kicks, me and Mama pick who we think will win. Well, its too damn bad I didn't really bet because mine won. Maybe I should have bought a lottery ticket. Could have been my lucky day..lol..too late now.
When I get back I'm going to work on my journal. I finally got it after three tries but having problems editing. That's normal for me though. I like learning things but usually have problems with computer stuff til I get the hang of it. I still haven't learned all the programs on my web site.
Time to go. bbl
I've been busy working on my web site and trying to get my journal going. Plus daily chores and work. I had a few more hits on my web site. Now, if I could get buyers would be good.
Yesterday I was cleaning the living room and realized the horse races were on. I like to watch them but haven't lately. Just for kicks, me and Mama pick who we think will win. Well, its too damn bad I didn't really bet because mine won. Maybe I should have bought a lottery ticket. Could have been my lucky day..lol..too late now.
When I get back I'm going to work on my journal. I finally got it after three tries but having problems editing. That's normal for me though. I like learning things but usually have problems with computer stuff til I get the hang of it. I still haven't learned all the programs on my web site.
Time to go. bbl
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Still working on it
I managed to put on a couple of links but need to fix 3 of them. Some are affiliate links I mentioned earlier. I got in the 1.67 a day, the Free Store and Juvio through Referralware. I like a lot of the opportunities and different products they have to offer. Finding time to get to all of them isn't easy but I'm working on a plan and trying to save a little for ads. Although you can join some of them for free, the rest isn't free but it does give you a little time to learn and decide whether to stay in or not.
I've also joined some more "surf for traffic" sites Fran told me about and then they tell me about more. Haven't really got the hang of that, yet, but I'm working on it.
I'm going recheck my links and then go surfing. :-)
I've also joined some more "surf for traffic" sites Fran told me about and then they tell me about more. Haven't really got the hang of that, yet, but I'm working on it.
I'm going recheck my links and then go surfing. :-)
Saturday, April 30, 2005
Working on links
I'm still trying to get my blog going again; having problems with the links. Got my web site to show up but not my Jan and other places. Next I want to put on Fran's link. I guess you can call me a Jan and Fran Fan. Okay, that's not funny, it just popped in my head and should have stayed there..lol..
I'm working on a blog page to tell- who ever is interested - about Referralware.
Until then, click the link and see for yourself. Its an affiliate program that I joined about a month ago. There's so many other opportunities that comes with it, its hard to find time for each one but they take care of a lot of it when and you upgrade.
Now, I'm going to see if these links work. If they don't, try this: http://www.referralware.com/home.jsp/1357405249. bbl
Nope, blog says broken link. I just realized I omited a number, so let's go back to square 1. :-)
I'm working on a blog page to tell- who ever is interested - about Referralware.
Until then, click the link and see for yourself. Its an affiliate program that I joined about a month ago. There's so many other opportunities that comes with it, its hard to find time for each one but they take care of a lot of it when and you upgrade.
Now, I'm going to see if these links work. If they don't, try this: http://www.referralware.com/home.jsp/1357405249. bbl
Nope, blog says broken link. I just realized I omited a number, so let's go back to square 1. :-)
Saturday, April 23, 2005
Taking a break
I decided to be lazy the rest of the day. Been packing and cleaning house. Going out of town tomorrow for about 3 days. I'm on vacation and it didn't come too soon. Had to work a lot of hours last week.
I got a little behind on my home work. I wanted to have my next post ready for my blog by now and put some links on but I'll do it when I get back. My brain needs a break. Between my web site, auctions and other things, sometimes I just need to get away from it all.
I got a little behind on my home work. I wanted to have my next post ready for my blog by now and put some links on but I'll do it when I get back. My brain needs a break. Between my web site, auctions and other things, sometimes I just need to get away from it all.
Sunday, April 17, 2005
Second blog
They say if at first you don't succeed, try again. Here I am trying it again. I deleted my first blog because I realized posting daily stuff and activities gets very few visitors. Very few comments anyway. There may have been visitors I didn't know about.
I'm posting today to get my blog going again. I'm going to use it to post business opportunities, opinions, info, etc. I hope for comments, too. I read a lot of newsletters and am in some affiliate programs. I also sell things on auctions and have a gift website I've been working on.
I'll be working on my second post to my second blog and hopefully have it posted soon. There may be things you already heard about but every now and then I run across sites I wasn't aware of so I may have something you haven't seen yet. I'm hoping to share info, ideas, etc. with other bloggers.
Sometimes I don't know when to hush:-) If you stop by, leave me a comment..just say hi or maybe tell me a little about you. I'd like to visit your blog, too. Now I'm really leaving.
Have a great day. Tere
I'm posting today to get my blog going again. I'm going to use it to post business opportunities, opinions, info, etc. I hope for comments, too. I read a lot of newsletters and am in some affiliate programs. I also sell things on auctions and have a gift website I've been working on.
I'll be working on my second post to my second blog and hopefully have it posted soon. There may be things you already heard about but every now and then I run across sites I wasn't aware of so I may have something you haven't seen yet. I'm hoping to share info, ideas, etc. with other bloggers.
Sometimes I don't know when to hush:-) If you stop by, leave me a comment..just say hi or maybe tell me a little about you. I'd like to visit your blog, too. Now I'm really leaving.
Have a great day. Tere
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